youth to thrive.


10,000 New Shoe Days

By 2025, we are hyper-focused on providing 10,000 pairs of shoes to Indiana youth in under-resourced communities to empower them to move, play, and make friends like kids should.

What is a New Shoe Day?

Youth in under-resourced communities across Indiana are wearing old shoes that limit their ability to thrive. Old shoes are often torn up, poor fitting, and dangerous. This means youth can't fully participate in sports, extracurricular activities, and school.

New Shoe Day is giving new shoes to kids in need in an exciting and inspiring way so they can become healthy, connected, and empowered young adults.

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Our pillars of wellness.

Mental Health

We strive to empower young individuals by providing them with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to navigate their mental well-being and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

We’re dedicated to ensuring that youth in Indiana are supported with essential mental health resources. We do this through tailored curriculum and Mental Health First Aid trainings. 


We believe that giving shoes offers youth a fresh start and the opportunity to embark on their journey with confidence. With each pair of shoes, we aim to create a ripple effect of positive energy, enabling young people to move forward, chase their dreams, and make a lasting impact in their communities.


We not only focus on the mental health building blocks, equipping individuals with essential skills and knowledge, but also create a unified team that supports and uplifts one another, fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment.

We believe in the power of a "New Shoe Day" Moment, where we provide individuals with brand new shoes, symbolizing a fresh start and a catalyst for positive change.